Hjem / Produkt / Skru / Betongskrue
Siden 2006

UNI Hardware Co., Ltd.

Jiaxing Uni Hardware Co.,Ltd. er en fabrikk som spesialiserer seg på produksjon av skruer og ankere. I mellomtiden er vårt internasjonale handelsteam dedikert til nye prosjekter, som festemidler i rustfritt stål, solenergideler, rigger, slangeklemmer osv. Etter en lang kamp blir UNIIFIXS mer og mer kjent i inn- og utland. Vi er i stand til å forsyne forskjellige markeder med en årlig produksjonskapasitet på over 10000 tonn. Og produktene våre eksporteres hovedsakelig til over 30 land som Panama, Columbia, Peru, Tyskland, Polen, Japan, Spania, Italia, Australia, Russland og etc.

Uansett hvilket produkt du velger, er kvalitet garantert, og det kommer til en konkurransedyktig pris. Streng produksjonsprosedyre og kvalitetskontroll utføres i hvert produktparti av vårt velutstyrte laboratorium for å sikre at kun kvalifiserte produkter kan leveres til våre kunder. Det er verdt å nevne at vårt emballasjeteam godtar MOQ, vi tilpasser emballasje i henhold til kundens krav, vårt mål er å utvide virksomheten vår ved å utvide din.
Ta gjerne imot flere mer verdifulle kommentarer fra deg, uansett om det er bra, slik at vi kan gå videre i problemene og forbedre teamtjenestene. Vi ser frem til å gjøre forretninger med deg.

16+ Years Experience


Med vår årlige produksjonskapasitet på mer enn 10000 tonn, kan vi møte behovene til forskjellige kunder med forskjellige kjøpsmengder.

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Siste nyttGi deg de siste bedrifts- og bransjenyhetene

Industry Knowledge

The Importance of concrete screws

Concrete screws play a pivotal role in the world of construction, offering several key advantages that make them indispensable. Here's a look at the importance of concrete screws:
Secure Anchoring: Concrete screws are designed to anchor objects to concrete, brick, or block surfaces securely. They provide a strong and stable connection, ensuring that fixtures and structures remain in place, even under heavy loads or adverse conditions.
Versatility: These screws are versatile and can be used in a wide range of applications. Whether it's attaching electrical boxes, hanging cabinets, installing handrails, or securing structural elements, concrete screws can adapt to various project needs.
Ease of Installation: Concrete screws are relatively easy to install, making them accessible to both professionals and DIY enthusiasts. They simplify the process of attaching objects to masonry surfaces, eliminating the need for complex drilling procedures.
Strength and Load-Bearing Capacity: Concrete screws are renowned for their exceptional load-bearing capacity. They can handle substantial weights, which is crucial for applications where safety and stability are paramount.
Reliability: When installed correctly, concrete screws offer a high level of reliability and consistency in their load-carrying capacity. This reliability is essential in construction projects where structural integrity is critical.
Corrosion Resistance: Concrete screws are designed to withstand corrosion, making them suitable for outdoor and high-moisture applications. They maintain their performance and durability even in challenging environmental conditions.
Speed and Efficiency: Concrete screws can significantly speed up construction and installation processes. Their straightforward installation method allows for efficient work, reducing labor costs and project timelines.
Removability: In some cases, concrete screws are designed to be removable, providing flexibility for projects that may require repositioning or adjustments.
Reduction in Material Damage: Unlike traditional anchors, concrete screws do not exert expansive forces during installation. This minimizes the risk of damaging the substrate material, such as concrete or masonry.
Simplicity: Concrete screws simplify the installation process, eliminating the need for anchors, sleeves, or other specialized fasteners. They are a one-piece solution for anchoring in masonry.
Peace of Mind: Concrete screws provide peace of mind, knowing that your fixtures, equipment, or structures are securely anchored. This confidence is essential for both builders and homeowners.
Wide Range of Applications: From minor repairs to major construction projects, concrete screws are suitable for a diverse range of applications, contributing to their importance in the construction industry.

If you are interested in our Betongskrue or have any questions, please consult us.

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